1906 Prospect Extension Sunday School founded
1908 Prospect Congregational Church founded
1924 Current facility, with sanctuary, classrooms and offices built
1964 Prospect Enrichment Preschool founded
1977 Prospect becomes Open and Affirming - Working Covenant adopted
1999 Prospect becomes accessible, elevator and wheelchair
accessible restrooms built
2008 Centennial Celebration!
2015 Chancel renovation
2017 3rd Floor renovation, upgrades to sound system and lighting
Prospect Extension Sunday School was dedicated on December 30, 1906 by a group of members of nearby Pilgrim Congregational Church. The group was led by founding members James P. Weter and Fred Roberts. Today, the Weter-Roberts Scholarship Fund honors them. In 2017, $4,200 was distributed from the income from this fund, to two college students and four mission organizations.